SpecINTI MacOS & Linux
On this this page, you will find the links of the compiles versions for MacOS and Linux of SpecINTI and SpecINTI Editor developed by C. Buil and V. Desnoux.
On this this page, you will find the links of the compiles versions for MacOS and Linux of SpecINTI and SpecINTI Editor developed by C. Buil and V. Desnoux.
En astronomie, le traitement de données spectroscopique est une action relativement répétitive. Qui dit répétitif, dit donc théoriquement automatisable. Je vous propose au travers de cet article de tenter une approche rapide et sans code de cette automatisation. … Continue readingAutomate your spectro data reduction without coding with ARP Lite
Several instruments allow amateur astronomers to capture an image of the Sun with amazing qualities. It can be interesting to compare these images with those produced by professional observatories … Continue readingCheckSun: Compare your images of the Sun with SDO
The Sunpy library in Python allows to manipulate and visualize the solar data acquired by different professional instruments. This article presents an example of use of this library, in the form of an introduction. … Continue readingSunpy : Visualize the Sun with Python
In order to follow the evolution of the spectra of any object, it is sometimes interesting to visualize a time series in three dimensions. This article presents an example of this type of visualization with Python. … Continue reading3D Spectra Timeseries with Python
This paper presents an introduction on the use of the Python language for astronomy and spectroscopy to perform rapid spectrum analysis of the gam Cas star. … Continue readingPython for astronomy and spectroscopy : Rapid spectrum analysis
An important step in the processing of raw data in spectroscopy is wavelength calibration. The SCCN model, allows to assist the astronomer in this step with an AI … Continue readingSCCN Model : Spectral Calibration by Artificial Intelligence
The Python-based application FitsViewerLight is a FITS file viewer that can display both raw images and spectra. … Continue readingFITS Light Python Viewer
SpecBok is a Python script using the Bokeh library in order to generate Interactive Web Spectra from FITS files. … Continue readingSpecBok : Spectra Generator for the web in Python
Within the astronomy observatories there are so-called “Observatory Log Books”. These notebooks are used to record all the important informations concerning the observation sessions carried out by the astronomer with the telescope.